Guest Post: Ainsley’s Endo Story
Ainsley shares her story of heartbreak and hope as she fought to find answers and support for her chronic endometriosis pain and recurrent pregnancy loss.
It is where tissue similar to the lining of the uterus is found in places outside of the uterus. We know that endometriosis can be challenging to manage. Our aim is to support you, your partners and families on your endometriosis journey as you learn to live well with this disease.
Endo Help Foundation is a Victorian based organisation with a team of volunteers who are passionate, dedicated, and determined to educate and empower all those with endometriosis, pelvic pain and period pain.
Collaboration and research are central to all that we do at Endo Help Foundation. We worked with the Australian College of Nursing to create a pelvic pain course for nurses. We run a monthly support group for women that have persistent pelvic pain including Endometriosis. We hosted a yellow match in March 2020 raising awareness and education about pelvic pain and Endo both for players and fans. We have an annual walk – Walk the world 4 Endo raising awareness about Endo and pelvic pain.
Ainsley shares her story of heartbreak and hope as she fought to find answers and support for her chronic endometriosis pain and recurrent pregnancy loss.
Finally, menopause is out there on social media, and it is no longer a taboo subject – remember, it impacts half the population. Here’s Jadie’s story of medically-induced menopause.
Our first Walk The World 4 Endo was a great success. We had hundreds of walkers take part. As a collective, we walked 13, 588km
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